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  • 商务Email中不要用的10个词

    已有3206人围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    在商务邮件中,自信原则很重要。很多时候,你的邮件可能直接导致能否将这笔生意做成。下面我给大家举了10个表现不自信的英文单词,这些词会让你的客户觉得你对于自身产品的不确定和不自信,好了,我们来看看吧! 1. Might Be careful when you tell people you “might” do something. Are you sure about that? No one is asking you to solve world peace. When you say you “might” finish a report, it implies you lack some ability, don’t manage your time well, or have too many priorities. ...
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