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Analysis of Customers’ Motivation and Satisfaction with Economy Hotel: A Case Study of Economy Hotels in Shenyang, China
       Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Economy hotel
2.1.1 Definition of economy hotel
On the economy hotel, now both in academia and in the hotel management industry, it has not formed a recognized definition, and a lot of discussion on the main criteria for the economy hotel is based on price. The price is the most fundamental expression of the economy.
2.1.2 Development of the economy hotel in China
2.1.3 Development status of the economy hotel in Shenyang City
2.2 Customer motivation
2.2.1 Related definitions
2.2.2 Formation of customer motivation
2.2.3 Factors of customer motivation
2.3 Customer satisfaction
2.3.1 Related definitions
2.3.2 Related models of customer satisfaction
2.3.3 Factors affecting customer satisfaction
2.3.4 Review of customer satisfaction in hotel industry
2.4 Customer loyalty and relationship between customer motivation, satisfaction and loyalty
2.4.1 Related definitions
2.4.2 Roles of customer loyalty
2.4.3 Relationship between customer motivation and customer satisfaction
2.4.4 Relationship between customer motivation and customer loyalty
2.4.5 Relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
2.4.6 Strategies to enhance customer loyalty

Brotherton, B. (2004). Critical success factors in UK budget hotel operations. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 24(9): 944-969.
Cardozo, R. (1965). An experimental study of customer effort, expectation, and satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research, 2(8): 244-249.
Chen, L. (2008). Economy hotel development trends in mainland China. HVS International Internal Report.
Churchill, G.A. & Surprenant, C. (1982). An Investigation into the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4):491-504.
Cronin Jr, J. J., Brady, M.K. & Hult, G..T.M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments, Journal of Retailing, 76(2): 198.
Demby, E. (1973). Psychographics and Form where it comes. Lifestyle and Psychographics, William D. Wells Edition, Chicago: AMA, 22.
Engel, J.F., Kollat, D.F. & Blackwell, R.D. (1968). Consumer behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

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—— zhouzhengmao

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