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Professors at a US university have told students that they risk failing their assignments and even their semester if they use offensive or hateful language in class or submissions.


Two programmes taught at Washington State University have set out clear restrictions upon the language students can use, banning terms such as “The Man”, “Coloured People” and “Illegals/Illegal Aliens”.

华盛顿州立大学(Washington State University)教授的两门课程对于学生们的语言使用进行了明晰限定,禁止学生使用“白人(The Man)”“有色人种(Coloured People)”以及“非法移民(Illegals/ Illegal Alien)”等字眼。

The terms have been forbidden by certain professors on the basis that they are “oppressive and hateful”, according to one of the syllabuses reported by Campus Reform.

Campus Reform报道中提到的一项教学大纲指出,上述表达之所以被某些教授禁用,是基于其具有“压迫性和仇视性”。

The “Course Notes and Policies” of the university’s “Women & Popular Culture” course taught by Professor Selena Lester Breikss specifies that “Gross generalisations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable”.

华盛顿州立大学的“女性与流行文化(Women & Popular Culture)”课程由萨琳娜·莱斯特·布雷克斯(Selena Lester Breikss)教授,该课程的《课程备忘与要求》明确规定:“禁止一概而论的、刻板印象式的、贬损的以及压迫性的语言。”

“Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated,” it adds.


Breikss also bans the use of the words “male and female” in the course.


A further course entitled “Introduction to Comparative Ethics Studies” taught by Professor Rebecca Fowler also states that the use of “inappropriate terminology” will impact on students’ grades, “with the deduction of one point per incident”.

另一门名为“比较伦理学研究导论(Introduction to Comparative Ethics Studies)”的课程,由丽贝卡·富勒(Rebecca Fowler)教授,她提出使用“不恰当的词汇”将影响学生的成绩,“该状况每出现一次扣一分”。

Terms included in the language sanctions include “coloured”, “the white man” and “illegals”.


Fowler cites the Associated Press style guide saying: “The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term ‘illegal immigrant’ or the use of ‘illegal’ to describe a person … ‘illegal’ should describe only an action.”

富勒援引美联社(the Associated Press)风格指南的内容称:“(美联社)《写作规范》( Stylebook)不再认可“illegal immigrant(非法移民)”的说法,也不允许使用illegal(非法的)形容一个人…“非法的”只能用来描述一种行为。

Professor Fowler told Campus Reform that the term “illegal alien” has saturated dominant discourses to the extent that society “associates ALL unauthorized border crossings with those immigrants originating from countries south of our border.”

富勒教授告诉Campus Reform,强势话语中充斥着“非法入境者(illegal alien)”这一术语,以致社会“将所有未经许可跨越边境的人与那些来自我国边境以南的移民者混为一谈。”

Washington State University’s call against inappropriate terms follows a decision by both the University of California and the University of Tennessee to encourage students to use gender-neutral pronouns for transgender and queer-identifying students.

华盛顿州立大学呼吁反对“不恰当言语”的号召呼应了加利福利亚大学(the University of California)和田纳西大学(the University of Tennessee)的决定。这两所学校鼓励学生们使用中性代词指代跨性别和同性恋学生。

Tutors have been requested to consider asking students which pronouns they wish to be addressed by, warning against assuming gender-binary pronouns “he” and “she”.



the Man:(尤指有权威的、警方的或受轻视的)白人或白人总称[黑人俚语]

illegal alien:非法入境者,非法移民


stereotype:把…模式化; 对…产生成见






—— admin


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