The following business plan has been formulated to obtain $200,000 in capital to establish a coffeehouse on the campus of Doane College named The Orange Cup. This plan will also serve as a formal outline for the first five year’s of operation. The financial forecasts show that this investment has significant promise for the future.
The Orange Cup will provide for the Doane College Community a comfortable atmosphere while serving quality coffee at an affordable price with exceptional service. A wide variety of coffee products including, gourmet coffees, latte, cappuccino, espresso, and iced coffee, will be available at The Orange Cup. In addition, The Orange Cup will offer juice, pop, and bottled water, hot cocoa, hot cider, and tea.The marking strategy for The Orange Cup is to attract students and faculty to the coffeehouse to endure in a relaxed atmosphere, or for those customers with hectic schedules, the convenience of our products.
The following tables represent sales forecasts and projected profit (loss) figures. For the first year of operation, The Orange Cup has projected gross sales in the amount of $194,880. Revenues increase 5% for the calculated four following years. The 5% increase in sales represents an increase in the population of students on Doane’s campus. A profit for the coffeehouse can be seen over the five years projections. All profits will ultimately end up in a scholarship for Doane students.
Year Gross Sales Percentage Increase of Gross Sales
Projected Profit (Loss) Five Fiscal Years
The mission of The Orange Cup is to provide for the Doane College Community a comfortable atmosphere serving quality coffee with exceptional service at affordable prices. The Orange Cup will provide a variety of coffee products including lattes, cappuccino, espresso, and iced coffee. In addition, The Orange Cup will offer hot chocolate, hot tea, pop, bottled water, and juice. The coffee house portrays a relaxed atmosphere with a comfortable setting similar to the popular television show, “Friends.” The coffee shop is a place for the students to come and unwind from the daily grind of classes.