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执行本地或主观的学科主要研究,如果该项目需要它。有些课题和项目,将呼吁主要的研究,这意味着你将收集自己的数据。如果你有一个非常本地化的话题 – 你喜欢大学肥胖问题,比如说 – 你可能要考虑创建一个简短的问卷或分析关注的数据到项目的其他方式。

找到适合自己的样本大小。没有调查或问卷得到的每一个人。有多少人会足以让这个问题的良好意识。这将意味着什么,以收集有关肥胖表20的家伙在更衣室的意见?每个人都在你的宿舍楼? 300人足球比赛?









一个坏的主题句可能是“学校需要采取更多措施来避免肥胖。”这是含糊不清,难以证明。什么学校?他们需要什么呢? “亚当斯高中可以通过去除自动售货机,并提供健康的选择的多样性显著下降在学生体内的肥胖率,甚至该地区”做了很多更提出一个论点,并给你一些东西需要证明。









Chicago Style


Conducting Primary Research

Perform primary research for local or subjective subjects, if the project calls for it. Some topics and projects will call for primary research, which means that you’ll collect the data yourself. If you’ve got a really localized topic–like the obesity problem at your University, for instance–you might want to consider creating a short questionnaire or other way of analyzing data of concern to your project.

Find a sample size that works for you. No surveys or questionnaires get to everyone. How many would be enough to get a good sense of the issue. Will it mean anything to gather opinions about obesity form 20 guys in the locker room? Everyone on your dorm floor? 300 people at the football game?

Be conscious of bias. Aim for a somewhat distributed mix of men and women, of different ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and places of birth.

Decide how you’ll collect your data. If you’re after opinions, a questionnaire is the best and most efficient way of collecting data, but it might not be particularly applicable to your topic.

If you’re interested in food habits and the availability of junk food in cafeterias, consider posting up beside the lunch line a few days a week and counting the number of students who forego the full lunches in favor of deserts, sodas, or candy. Keep a running tally.

Interviews might be good if you have access to experts or other parties involved directly in the topic you’re researching. If you want to learn about school lunches, talk to the lunch workers, the principal of your school, or other people who may be involved. Let them know what you’re researching and explain the project before talking to them.

Gather your research. Once you’ve picked a method of collection, distribute your surveys, observe your behaviors, or conduct your interviews and collect your research. Analyze the research and summarize your findings in a way that you’ll be able to use it for your research.

If your hypothesis about the research ends up being wrong, don’t fret. This in and of itself can be a good source of information to present in a project, displaying your commitment to finding out “the truth” of the topic at hand.

Evaluate your sources. When you’ve collected your research, identify the most persuasive arguments and sources and use them as a jumping off point for your own argument. If you found that districts with schools that feature vending machines experience a 30 percent higher obesity rate, how can you transition that into an argument to support with that research? What does the research say?

Form a thesis statement from your research. A thesis statement is the central thing you hope to prove by presenting your research. It should be debatable and specific, giving you a road map for where the research essay or project might go. A good thesis statement helps the writer as much as the reader, because it gives you a tangible thing to prove with the writing.

A bad thesis statement might be “Schools need to do more to avoid obesity.” This is vague and difficult to prove. What schools? What do they need to do? “Adams High School could significantly drop the obesity rate in the student body and even the region by removing the vending machines and offering a diversity of healthy choices” does a lot more to present an argument and give you something to prove.

Learn to paraphrase and quote effectively. How do you present your research in a readable way?

Paraphrase to translate a source into your own words. These should always be attributed, but not quoted, and are most effective when you need to briefly summarize a position or argument. You’ve still given credit to the author, so we know the observation isn’t your own. In other words, you might write:

According to Adams, schools that feature vending machines in the lunch rooms experience an increase in obesity rates.

Quote any language directly sourced from the article. This is effectively used when there’s something in the wording of the source that you want to emphasize or highlight as part of your research:

According to Adams, “The inclusion of vending machines markedly increases the junk food desires of students in those schools, resulting in a chain reaction that rewards their bad choices.”

Learn to recognize and avoid plagiarism. It can happen accidentally, so you need to learn to recognize the ways in which it occurs and avoid it.

Cite your sources. If you’re writing a research essay, you need to learn to effectively provide citation information for each source you reference, be it paraphrase or quotation, throughout the source. Use a parenthetical or footnote citation in the text of your paper, and include a list of references or a Works Cited page at the end of the paper including the publishing information for each source. Your teacher may want you to use a particular style of citation, but the most popular include:MLA


Chicago Style




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