1. Did I begin each paragraph with a proper topic sentence?
1. 我是不是每一段都有中心句?
2. Have I supported my arguments with documented proof or examples?
2. 我有没有用文档性的证据和例子来支持我的论据?
3. Any run-on or unfinished sentences?
3. 有没有任何跨行的或者没写完的句子?
4. Any unnecessary or repetitious words?
4. 有没有不必要的或者是语义重复的句子?
5. Varying lengths of sentences?
5. 要不要改变句子的长度?
6. Does one paragraph or idea flow smoothly into the next?
6. 每一段或者每一个想法之间的衔接连贯吗?
7. Any spelling or grammatical errors?
7. 有没有任何拼写和语法上的错误?
8. Quotes accurate in source, spelling, and punctuation?
8. 引文在来源、拼写和标点方面都准确吗?
9. Are all my citations accurate and in correct format?
9. 我的引用是不是都是准确的,同时有没有用正确的格式?
10. Did I avoid using contractions? Use “cannot” instead of “can’t”, “do not” instead of “don’t”?
10. 我是不是已经尽量避免缩写式了?使用”cannot”而不是“can’t”,“do not”而不是“don’t”?
11. Did I use third person as much as possible? Avoid using phrases such as “I think”, “I guess”, “I suppose”
11. 我是不是已经尽量使用第三人称了?避免过多使用“我觉得。。”“我猜。。。””我建议。。。”的句式了?
12. Have I made my points clear and interesting but remained objective?
12. 我有没有在清晰并且有趣地把我的重点表达出来的同时还保持客观呢?
13. Did I leave a sense of completion for my reader(s) at the end of the paper?
13. 在我论文的最后,我能不能让我的读者有一种圆满完成了的感觉呢?
The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition, by William Strunk, Jr.
:razz: 感谢~~