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law personal statement怎么写?

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法律类申请文书写作个人陈述又称之为personal statement,在留学申请中占据的比重非常大。作为留学申请者,如果你想申请法律专业,那么personal statement应该写一些什么呢?我们应该写一些什么类型的题材?为何你会选择这个学校?等等问题都需要你在你的个人陈述中作出解答,下面我们来聊聊具体的写作手法。

Personal Statement, also known as Statement of Purpose, Letter of Intent, or even Autobiographical Statement, is among the most important element in your application. Nonetheless, they’re all asking for the same five pieces of information. What you’d like to study or on which field you want to concentrate.

Why you choose to such field.

What background you have in the field.

Why you choose a particular school.

What you plan to do after you graduate.

These five points provide a comprehensive introduction of yourself to the admission committee. With such information, the admission committee will be able to determine whether you are seriously  interested in and accumulate sufficient experience in the field you chosen. The committee also considers your fit to the school. How to make your Statement of Purpose stand out?

Covering the above five points is far less than sufficient. To be accepted, you should create your personal statement in a unique style. Many applicants simply list the facts of their academic life, goals and reasons to choose the school in order to respond to the right questions.

To distinguish your statement of purpose, it is a good idea to start with an idea or story related to your field that turns you on intellectually. It’s an effective essay-opener, and it lets you write about something besides yourself for a bit. There are other benefits as well. The idea you choose to talk about, and your comments on it, often tell an admissions committee more about you than your own self-descriptions can.


Demonstrate your considerable dedication to earn a master’s and even a doctorate degree.

Clearly state your reasons to choose a particular school.

Have someone else proofread your essay.


Bring up topics or something of no interest to a prospective admissions committee.

Excessive words on your extracurricular activities.

Reuse the same statement of purpose for each school you apply to.


—— admin

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