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加拿大绿色能源加拿大留学生论文代写案例。这篇留学生论文主要是针对加拿大绿色能源进行分析。加拿大大草原上的萨斯喀彻温省基本上没有上过什么新闻头条。但在十月二日一座老化煤炭发电厂的重启却引起了全球的关注。这座改型后的发电厂每年可捕捉一百万吨二氧化碳。这项技术并不新颖,但从未在既有发电厂做过商业用途。国际能源署署长玛丽亚-范德胡芬(Maria van der Hoeven)表示,在加拿大与美国北达科他州边境附近的边界大坝上使用这项技术,“是通往未来低碳之路上的历史性里程碑”。她个人表明,目前这项技术已经不再是科幻小说里才会产生的。


CANADA’S prairie province of Saskatchewan rarely hits the world’s news headlines. But on October 2nd it attracted global attention by powering up an ageing coal-fired power plant that had been retrofitted to capture 1m tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. The basic technology is not new. However, it has never been used on an existing power station at a commercial scale before. Doing just this at Boundary Dam, near to Canada’s border with North Dakota, is a “historic milestone on the path to a low-carbon future,” said Maria van der Hoeven at the International Energy Agency. It is also proof, she argued, that the technology is no longer science fiction.

Capturing the carbon dioxide belching from the world’s 2,300 coal-fired power plants is much longed-for by governments keen to cut their greenhouse-gas emissions. But the technology’s high cost remains its Achilles heel. The C$1.4 billion ($1.2 billion) needed for the Saskatchewan facility was put up by taxpayers, with the federal government providing C$240m and the provincial authorities the rest. They are unlikely to see much of a financial return on their investment, experts say. Electricity prices would have to rise 80% to cover the costs of such projects, according to Ashok Bhargava of the Asian Development Bank. “Nobody can afford that,” he added.

And so the project’s backers have had to find a few other ways to make money. The plant’s publicly-owned operator, SaskPower, hopes to recoup some of its investment by selling its byproducts. It has found buyers for the plant’s sulphur-dioxide emissions and fly ash. And, more controversially, it expects to sell most of the plant’s captured carbon dioxide to Cenovus Energy, which plans to pump the gas into oil wells 41 miles (66km) away to boost their output. Environmentalists have differing views on the project: some see it as progress towards cutting greenhouse-gas emissions whereas others, such as John Bennett of the Sierra Club, a lobby group, argue that “it doesn’t get us off of fossil fuels”.

Having oil producers so close to Boundary Dam

The other is the province’s massive coal reserves, which it wants to continue using to generate electricity. But the lack of private backers for the latest project is telling. In neighbouring Alberta, which also has abundant coal and oil reserves, a similar project



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