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有无数种理论告诉我们,英文的任何表达方式,都是为了传达意思,而不是炫技。如果可以用一个单词说清楚,绝不多费半句口舌。虽然非常认同这种简约的魅力和力量,却无法不顾写作评分标准中对于长难句的具体要求:高分:uses a variety of complex structures.

以及,对范文量化分析之后,我发现,字数较少的paper,范文的句子总数量一般只有不到20,这意味着,好的文章,多多少少都会有一些长于20 个单词,甚至30 个词左右的长句子。




同学们要知道,一个句子要想写长,需要有足够的内容填充。如果只是一个单纯简单的“我爱你”,再怎么替换词组,都不可能超过 5 个单词。

所以,要想写长“我爱你”这三个单词,我们得加上更多层次的意思,这些意思可以通过问自己 wh- 的问题来实现。


what/ who/ when/ where/ why/ how



Most people use mobile phones. (5 words)

What: 我们可以说用什么手机?比如智能机,或者干脆是 iphone,或者可以写成国产机(这样后面的内容就被带偏为为什么要支持国货了) smart phone/ the latest version of iphone/ domestically produced cell phones

Who: 谁用手机呢?可以是所有人。或者我们具体化成年轻人、商人(当然,后面的内容又会有很不一样的走向了) people of all age groups/ young people/ business people

When: 使用的时间可以是任何时候,或者当有紧急事情需要处理的时候,想写长的话,我们就加 when 的状语从句 nowadays/ anytime/ when there is an emergent situation

Where: 在哪儿用手机呢?除了写随时随地都可以用之外,我们可以具体一下,比如在家里、在学校、在公交上。因此,相应的其他内容也就有了更多的可能性 at home/ in the school/ on the bus

Why: 原因的分析应该是最常见,最好用的一个方式了,为什么使用手机?答案简直不要太多 to communicate with others/ to kill time/ to acquire information

How: 怎么去使用手机呢?比如我们可以下载很多的实用的软件,或者让手机联通网络,这样就不会错过任何的信息了 download numerous apps/ keep connected with the Internet


Nowadays, people of all age groups use mobile phones, especially the smart phone, which can help them to communicate with their close friends and family members conveniently and catch up on the latest news around the globe. (37 words)

Young people nowadays seem to be addicted to the smart phone, because they rely on this digital gadget to accomplish a wide range of tasks, including searching for information, checking emails, playing games to kill the time or even submitting the coursework. (42 words)

It is inevitable that businesspeople depend on mobile phones to deal with multiple projects, for the reason that most cell phones now enable numerous colleagues to cooperate simultaneously by exchanging information and ideas conveniently on the network OA system and to check, edit, reply notifications and emails at their own convenience. (51 words)


1. 首选 and

不论是名词、动词、形容词、副词的并列,还是并列一个句子,都可以让细节更加饱满,让内容更加丰富。泛泛来讲,就是不到万不得已,不打句号,用 and 逼自己,写出更多的东西来。


To kill animals is cruel.

→ To kill animals and to use animals in producing consumer goods are cruel.

→ To kill animals is cruel, and this is totally against the basic right of all creatures who should be at least protected from brutal torture and life extermination.

and 还有一个很大的好处是,这个词本身代表的句子结构很简单,所以,不会让已经有点复杂的句子看着更复杂了,方便我们写出很长,但是看得懂的长难句。

2. 扩展原因、目的、结果

在主句保留的情况下,往逻辑链的前面,去扩展 because/ in order to,往逻辑链的后面去写so/ so that


To kill animals is cruel.

→ To kill animals is cruel, because the living creatures obviously have physical and emotional feelings.

→ To kill animals is cruel, so no living species should be allowed to use in the scientific research.

3. 限定条件

很多事情发生,都不是偶然的,总会有一些产生的场景。我们可以用 when 加上一个时间状语从句,或者用 if 来一个条件状语从句,让主句发生在我们限定的情境中。


To kill animals is cruel.

→ To kill animals is cruel, if no preventative measure is taken to reduce their suffering.

→ To kill animals is cruel, when they are forced to be used in the medical research and chemical experiment.

4. 罗列小例子

最后一个方法,就是在集合的复数名词,比如 problems/ skills 等词后面,把具体的问题、技能等罗列出来,从而让句子更长。

特别注意,罗列的不一定是简单的几个名词,也可能是 to do/ doing 等相对长一点复杂一点的平行结构。


To kill animals is cruel.

→ To kill animals is cruel in most cases, such as chemical experiment for cosmetics, scientific research for medicines and skin removal for consumer goods.

→ To kill animals is cruel in many ways, such as removing their skin for making consumer goods or extracting their organs for medical purposes.


To kill animals is cruel.

→ Because the living creatures obviously have physical and emotional feelings, to kill animals is cruel in many ways, such as removing their skin for making consumer goods or extracting their organs for medical purposes, so no living species should be allowed to use in the scientific research. (48 words)


1. 思维层面:wh- 问题加内容

2. 句型层面:and/ because/ so/ in order to/ if/ when/ such as/ especially 加从句和补充修饰



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