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说起MBA Essay,即便是写作功底再深厚的申请人,想要在字数限制之内创作出一篇高水准的文章,也绝对是一件极具挑战性的事。保证内容精彩的同时,还要做到语言精练,遣词造句真的需要再三斟酌。



be able to

“be able to”是大家在写作时特别爱用的一个短语,但是在英语中,有用词更少但意思不变的表达方式,比如一般现在时语境下的“can”和将来时的“will”,替换后可以节省出2-3个字数的篇幅。让我们通过实例感受一下:

Because of my strong communication skills, I am able to close more deals than others. (15字)

Because of my strong communication skills, I can close more deals than others. (13字)

With the founding, my business will be able to expand into new areas. (13字)

With the founding, my business will expand into new areas. (10字)

decided to

如果在Essay中提到自己或他人所做的决定,应该简略描述做出决定的过程,重点突出最终的结果。在进行这方面内容的写作时,大家多会选择“decided to”这样的短语,不过为了节省字数,可以直接选用其他动词:

Once I saw the contract, I decided to call my boss. (11字)

Once I saw the contract, I called my boss. (9字)

My supervisor decided to promote me first. (7字)

My supervisor promoted my first. (5字)

prior to/in advance of

如果在Essay中描述事件发生的先后顺序,很多申请人会选择使用“prior to”或者“in advance of”之类的短语,但这样的表达方式稍显刻意,而且还会占用文字空间,不如单纯使用“before”作为代替:

The club director called all the contracted sponsors in advance of the meeting. (13字)

The club director called all the contracted sponsors before the meeting. (11字)

despite the fact that

这样的表述实在是有些累赘,英文中能够表达同样语义的短语有很多,可以考虑用“even though”进行替换。

I was excluded from the promotion despite the fact that I had spent more hours to the project. (18字)

I was excluded from the promotion even though I had spent more hours to the project. (16字)

in order to/in order for

其实说白了,在表达目的的语境下,“in order”的短语表达对于连接的事件结果没有任何实质意义。与其占用篇幅,不如选择使用“to”或者“for”,不光言简意赅,还更加地道。

I had to get up three hours early in order to get to the office on time. (17字)

I had to get up three hours early to get to the office on time. (15字)

I knew that in order for my team to stay on budget, I needed to find a better distributor. (19字)

I knew that for my team to stay on budget, I needed to find a better distributor. (17字)



—— admin

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