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很多留学生对于argumentative essay写作不太熟练,今天Meeloun小编给同学们举一些例子,希望能够帮助大家理解,顺利完成argumentative essay。


Some people think that scientific research should be controlled and carried out by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


讨论对象:scientific research, the government, private companies


具象化思维:scientific research

极端不成立法则:避免仅仅考虑the government或private companies其中的一方





How to carry out scientific research more efficiently has been a major concern to many governments in the world. While some people assert that it should only be controlled and conducted by the authorities, others might argue that private-owned companies should have a role to play. This essay will analyze both sides of the argument.


People claim that it is necessary and important for the government to control scientific research.

Some research is in the national interests and并列谓语 involves highly classified information, such as research into nuclear technology and military development具象思维, so of course it should only be carried out by the government.


Others argue that there are reasons for private companies to participate in scientific research.

Some research conducted in corporate labs responds more quickly to market needs: research into medicine and cosmetics具象思维, for example, which is not always a governmental priority.

Private-owned institutes have certain advantages in financing scientific research and并列句 their profit motive tends to result in a more efficient allocation of resources.

conduct v. 开展一项活动,从事某事

a more efficient allocation of resources 更加有效的资源配置


Overall, I think that both the government and the private sector should be actively involved in scientific research and并列句more encouragement should be given to the cooperation and coordination between different research institutes including state-owned research organizations, universities and corporate labs etc. to accelerate the development of technology so as to benefit human life on a larger scale.


People today can perform everyday tasks such as shopping, banking oreven business transactions, without meeting others face to face. What are the effects it may have on individuals and society as a whole? Is it a positive or negative development?

话题:technological advances

讨论对象:the Internet indaily life


影响类题目 Analyze the influence of …






Today, many daily tasks can be accomplished without us meeting each other face to face. Generally, I tend to believe it leads to many desirable results.

can be accomplished:注意主动、被动语态的转换


It is evident that fulfilling some tasks over modern technologies such as the Internet and other computer networks is highly efficient.分论点

In the past, people had to go to the shopping mall when they needed to make a purchase; but today, all can be done online even at a lower price. Also, people used to go to the bank to make a transaction from one bank account to another; instead, now self-service banking is available. More importantly, almost all banks and financial organizations are well-connected to the Internet, which promotes the development of international trade and world economy dramatically.拓展

Thus, obviously, the efficiency of life has been improved significantly due to the technological advances. 总结句。


However, that is not to say that lack of face-to-face communication brings about no problems.

One of the biggest concerns is safety.

With the increasing virus threats and well-trained hackers, online deals are well exposed to all kinds of risks and losses, for example, the wide-spread problem of identity theft.

Therefore, when making the most of the desirable changes brought about by technology, its potential downsides should be aware of.


Overall, although there are both favorable and unfavorable effects on individuals and society if everyday tasks are performed without the need of seeing each other, I am quite optimistic about its future, and I think people and countries alike will benefit from it on a new level soon.


—— admin

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