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Essay代写, 留学生论文 你是第3427个围观者 0条评论 供稿者:




1 、选择一个主题。你的老师会给你一个科目列表,从你所熟悉的和你感兴趣的东西角度来选择一个主题。如果是你喜欢的话题,你会更容易理解,并有想要了解主题的意愿。如果您选择狗,它是什么,你想谈谈吗?列出清单:如何选择一只最好的一种狗,或如何购买一箱狗。从您的清单,你会选择一个缩小的话题。Pick a topic. Most likely, your teacher will give you a list of subjects. Choose a topic that you have some familiarity with and something that interests you. If you enjoy the topic, you will be more apt to understand the research and have a desire to learn about the subject. Research and then narrow the topic. If you choose dogs, what is it that you want to talk about? Make a list of three to five possible subtopics: how to choose a dog, the best kind of dog, or how to buy a crate for a dog. From your list, you will choose one narrowed topic.
2 、撰写了初步的论文。论文的声明是一个立场声明,声明的内容是什么?是它??指示的文件。该论文是不是一个问题。如果您决定写关于选择一只狗,你可能会选择一个初步声明如下:当选择一只狗,考虑成本、大小和狗的需要、狗所需的空间大小、需要注意的成本。Write a preliminary thesis. The thesis statement is a statement of position. It directs the paper by stating what the content is. The thesis is not a question, but one statement that should be positioned at the end of the introductory paragraph. If you decide to write about choosing a dog, you may choose a preliminary statement as follows: When choosing a dog, consider the costs, size, and needs of the dog. The thesis organizes the paper. The paper may be about the costs of raising a dog, the size of the space required for the dog, and the attention the dog will need. Notice the thesis is general. You will make the thesis more specific once you have written the paper and know exactly what you want to discuss under costs, size and needs.
3 、可视化的倒三角形。这可能听起来很奇怪,但有一个很好的介绍,将推动本文的其余部分。开始一般性发言和论文的声明,这是倒三角形的尖端。如果你选择狗的写作,开始与拥有一只狗的好处的一般性发言。Visualize an upside-down triangle. This may sound strange, but a good introduction will drive the rest of the paper. The paper will fall into place because it's organized, focused, and manageable. Begin with a general statement and slowly narrow that statement to the thesis, which is the tip of the upside-down triangle. If you're writing about choosing a dog, begin with a general statement about the benefits of owning a dog. From there, discuss benefits and why it's important to choose a dog carefully. End with your thesis. The introduction will be about seven sentences in length, or half of a page.
4 、包括过渡。正如你想象的倒三角形,你需要使每个句子的引进以缩小的材料过渡到下一个句子。使用过渡词,如:因此,然而,因为,终于。过渡的话,将有助于你的写出更加流畅的论文语句出来。Include transition. As you visualize the upside-down triangle, you need to make each sentence of the introduction transition to the next sentence in order to narrow the material. Your goal is to narrow the broad introductory sentence down to the thesis. Use transitional devices such as transitional words: therefore, however, since, finally. Transitional words will help your writing flow to the thesis statement.
5 、审查引进和论文语句。问自己以下几个:我真想写率先就写这个主题吗?我是否需要重写论文,使其更具体到我的主题吗?我可以基于此介绍在拓展一篇文章吗?我是否需要延长或缩短的引进呢?我的字迹是否清晰,重点突出吗?一旦你的问题都得到了满意的答案,你就可以开始写作了。Review the introduction and thesis statement. Ask yourself the following: Does this introduction lead into the topic I really want to write about? Do I need to rewrite the thesis to make it more specific to my topic? Can I develop an essay based on this introduction? Do I need to lengthen or shorten the introduction? Is my writing clear and focused? Once you are satisfied with the introduction, you have a start to writing an essay.
Tips &amp; Warnings选择一个主题和副主题,试着用新闻问题(谁?什么?什么时候?在哪里?为什么呢?)五个W的角度来进行探究从而得到答案。这些问题的答案将有助于你缩小主题到管理主体。When choosing a topic and subtopics, try asking journalism questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Research the answers to the questions formed from the five W&#39;s. The answers will help you narrow the topic to a manageable subject.<br />


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