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     任何一种类型的Essay写作都应遵循一种逻辑结构,Long Essay可能在不同部分依据情况使用不同的逻辑结构。作为专业Essay 本代写机构,本文Meeloun论文网为大家分享六种常见留学生Essay写作逻辑结构,为方便阅读本文采用中英文对照方式。


  六种逻辑写作结构Six Logical Writing Structures
      Every piece of writing, whether it is a cover letter for a job application, a news article, or a fictional short story, has its own structure. 

      Think of structure as the skeleton of a piece of writing. 

      It is the bare bones of the piece, all connected to form a solid, uniform foundation upon which you, the writer and the creator, will build something unique. 

      Humans, for example, all have nearly identical basic skeletons. 

      However, it’s everything that goes on top of those skeletons-the muscles, the facial features, the shape, the curves, the personality, and even the clothes and accessories-that makes each human unique.

      Remember being assigned five-paragraph essays on your first day back to grade school every fall? 

      五段式短文通常会被命名为“我今年夏天做了什么”,这种短文会被要求包含一个引言、由三个支持段落组成的主体内容和一个结论。推荐阅读:5 Paragraph Essay Structure
      They’d usually be titled “What I Did This Summer,” and they’d be assigned to have an introduction, three supporting paragraphs making up the body of the work, and a conclusion. 

      This general format is the root of the six common writing structures that can be used for both formal and informal written communication.

  第一类:范畴式结构Categorical structure
      Or you might employ this technique in a letter explaining why you have decided to resign from your job.

      You might use a similar structure in a cover letter for a job application, in which you describe all of your traits that would make you an ideal candidate for the position.

      In a categorical structure, a series of equally important topics are addressed. 

  第二类:评估型结构Evaluative structure
      In an evaluative essay writingstructure, a problem is introduced, and then pros and cons are weighed. 

      You might employ an evaluative structure when writing an e-mail to ask a close friend for advice.

  第三类:序时结构Chronological structure
      When your focus is more the actual telling of the story than the end result, employ a chronological structure. 

      Think of joke telling. “Three guys walk into a bar…” sets up a sequence of events to deliver that final punch line. 

      Similarly, most short stories and novels are written chronologically.

  第四类:比较型结构Comparative structure

      This structure is similar to evaluative, but it is used when there are more layers to the situation at hand that is being weighed. 

      You might use a comparative structure if you were writing a speech for a debate team to explain the various reasons why you feel your point is stronger than your opponent’s. 

      Or you might use a comparative structure to write a letter to the editor explaining all the reasons you disagree with the city council’s decision to raise local taxes.

  第五类:顺序式结构  Sequential structure
      This structure is similar to Chronological, but is normally employed with a how-to voice when a step-by-step process is being described. 

      If you were going to write about how to make your famous chocolate layer cake, or how to get to a great bed-and-breakfast you discovered out in the country, you would write sequentially, using words like, “First,” “Next,” “Then,” and “Finally” to clarify your instructions.

  第六类:因果结构Causal structure
      This structure might at first glance seem similar to Comparative structures, but it differs in that it does not involve weighing options against one another. 

      Instead, it discusses the causes and then the effects regarding a particular topic or issue in that order. 

      You might use this structure if you were writing an article on how something has come about, such as the contributing factors to air pollution. 

      Or you might employ this technique in a letter explaining why you have decided to resign from your job.


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