代写英文作业 - Essay代写_Assignment代写_留学生论文作业代写
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  • AP和SAT常考55个修辞分析术语

    已有2955人围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    今天小编要给大家分享的是55个修辞分析中的术语,包括大量AP和SAT文章中常考的的修辞手法,不论是在备考准备出国留学的同学还是已经出国留学忙于各种论文作业写作的同学们都用得上,赶紧mark吧!~ Terms Definition Example/Explanation Analogy 类比 Explaining something complex by comparing it to something more simple. “An amateur playing in a professional game is like an ibex stepping into a lion’s den.” Argument 论证 The combination of reasons, evidence, etc that an author uses to ...
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