美国本科大学Essay - Essay代写_Assignment代写_留学生论文作业代写
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  • Essay-美国的公立大学和私立大学的比较
    美国的大学有公立和私立两种,公立大学学费更低,更容易申请;而私立学费是公立的10倍以上,且更难申请,但是私立的教育资源更为出色。对于申请者来说该如何抉择呢?这篇Essay将告诉你答案: The moment comes, when you need to enter a university and get a higher education. Hundreds of students-to-be face a real academic dilemma: which university to choose, a state or private university? Since there’s no single, all-purpose answer to this question, the best option is to examine the advantages of both. The ...
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