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Academic Essay写作

中国留学生们在完成Academic Essay作业的时候往往都会出现词穷或者不知道用哪些时态哪些语态,这样一来就会大大降低写作效率,这是很多Freshman都会遇到的情况。但是如果大家能够牢记一些干货句型再加以适当利用的话,相信会对大家的写作效率有大大的提升。下文中,meeloun小编给大家整理了八类Academic Essay写作的时候比较实用的句型,或许可以帮到大家。

1. Stating your own position on a Subject or Topic表明自己立场可以用到的句型

This paper aims at…

This paper will be concerned with…

The aim of this paper is to…

The point of this article is to…

It shall be argued in this paper/essay/review that…

The view presented in this paper/essay/review is that..

2. Presenting your own point of view阐述自己观点可以用到的句型

I strongly believe that…

To my mind…

As I see it….

It seems to me evident/obvious that…

I feel that…

I think/contend that…

There are many reasons why…

It is important/necessary to point out that…

The first thing to be considered is…

It is a fact that…

3. Supporting your view and adding more information:论证自己的观点可以用到的句型

The first/second reason why…is…


not only …but also…

The most important…

In addition, …

Furthermore, …

What is more, …

Another reason is …

A further point is …

4. Stating the view of Another Person on a Subject or Topic阐述另外一个人对这个主题观点可以用到的句型

Harris’s approch (1970, p. 1) can be described as follows…

Chomsky (1965, p. 133) maintains/argues/asserts/claims/points out that…

Th authors views ca be stated as follows…

The opinion of Chomsky (1965, p. 133) is that…

Chomsky (1965, p. 133)) has suggested that ….

According to Smith (1992, p. 123), …
       It is thought by some theorists, for example, Chomsky (1965, p. 133) and Harris (1970, p. 1) that…

5. Agreeing with the Views of Others赞同他人观点可以用到的句型

I agree with the authors ideas/thoughts…because…

I think the author’s views are accurate…because…

Chomsky (1965, p. 133) is certainly/may be correct/accurate in saying that … because…

As Chomsky (1965, p. 133) says/states …

Like Chomsky (1965, p. 133), it can be agreed that …. because…

6. Disagreeing with the Views of Others与他人观点不一致可以用到的句型

Chomsky (1965, p. 133) fails to address the issue when he says “…” because …

When Chomsky (1965, p. 133) argues that …. his reasoning is questionable because….

One of the main arguments against Chomsky (1965, p. 133) and Harris (1970, p. 1) is that …

Harris (1970) approach/position/methods is/are somewhat inadequate/inaccurate/insufficient because…

There is some doubt that…

7. Indicating a Lack of Knowledge in a Particular Topic or Subject表明特定话题或学科上没有足够信息支撑可以用到的句型

Despite the book’s attempts to… it lacks accuracy…

What I find lacking in the research is…

Although the research has tended to focus on…..rather less attention has been paid to…

Most studies, such as Harris (1970, p. 1) and Chomsky (1965, p. 133) have emphasized/concentrated o

n/focused on inadequate /insufficient….

8. Drawing a Conclusion Using the Work of Others通过他人观点得出结论可以用到的句型

To sum up, …

In a nutshell, …

As a conclusion, …

As a summary, …

All in all, …

To conclude, …

Based on these authors, a connection can be made between…

It can be concluded from what Jones (2004, p. 2) and Smith (2002, p. 1) have stated that… is …

When Smith’s (2001, p.52) work/paper is looked at closely, it is seen that…

One outcome of Smith’s (2001, p.52) work/paper/research is …

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—— zhouzhengmao

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