同学们在写in-class essay论证的时候,有时会基于一些的不确定的事情给出理由,从而强化自己的观点。毕竟随堂essay也不会要求写reference,这时候就需要发挥我们的联想能力了。但是我们并不确定的事情能否发生,所以,如果客观的现实中找不到理由和例子了,不妨大胆地推测一下,不远的未来,就是我们观点的立足之处。
It is fair to forecast that …
It can be well predicted that …
In the near future, it is predictable that…
It is widely believed by most scientists that ….
If the current trend continues, the situation will …
Even though …, we can reasonably predict that …
With the continuous advance in …, … can beforeseen.
Foreseeably, … will soon/ sooner or later be …
In order to trigger more … in the future, we need to continue doing …/ to start doing ….
现实:Nuclear 有安全隐患
未来 1:已经得到非常大的提升,除非天灾,否则不会有人祸(前几年,一个美国高中生实现了核能家用)
Though safety risks remain, the technology and associated preventative measures have been greatly improved in recent decades and will continue being perfected. It is foreseeable that no manmade accidents will occur, thus making nuclear the most reliable source of energy production in the future.
未来 2:还远远不够安全,各种安全事故频繁发生,即使很多是天灾引起的,那也只能证明,抗震性差,不适合普及
Though nuclear technology has been improved and power plants now have fewer accidents, the overall safety condition can hardly be ensured. In the future, even if only a minor problem of the machine occurs, the consequence will foreseeably be disastrous.
未来 1:正在研发,非常可靠,即将全面取代
Though no substitute is found to be widely applicable in scientific experimentation, many alternative methods such as in vitro cell culture techniques and in silico computer simulation have been greatly improved in recent decades and will continue being perfected. It is foreseeable that they can be reliable replacements of living objects in the research, thus making animals unnecessary in experiments.
未来 2:还在研发,前景未知,短期很难取代
Though substitutes have been improved and experiments now use fewer living creatures, the overall wide use of alternative methods can hardly be ensured. In the future, even if only a minor problem of the process occurs, the consequence will foreseeably be disastrous.
In order to maintain the market share, most companies will try to implement methods to increase the popularity of their brands, such as raising the quality or providing better customer service. This trend will benefit the consumers as well as trigger positive competition among most enterprises.
In the foreseeable future, many little-known brands with few resources will be forced out of the market, if the majority of consumers only prefer a limited number of popular companies. It is scientifically proved to be negative to the long-term healthy development of the economy when the market is dominated by a few.
以上就是Meeloun小编给同学们分享的in-class essay写作小技巧,同学们只要不知道该如何论证,可以试试这个方法,前提是大家要说清楚理由,而不是天马行空。