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如何写argument essay?其实有技巧

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argument essay

argument essay,又称为争议论文,辩论型论文。一般来说,需要作者通过材料来证明自己的观点。下面我们就来谈谈:argument essay写作。

其实,对于一般assignment essay来讲,最重要步骤在于:破题。


第一段: 开头段。主要是归纳论点,说明论点有问题,存在逻辑漏洞,准备发起进。

第一层:This argument concludes/recommends/argues that…

第二层:To support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…

第三层:However, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is thereforeunconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.


One problem with the argument is that, the editorialobserves a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is thecause of the latter. However, the editorial fails to rule out other possibleexplanations for…For example,… Any of these factors, or other social, politicalor economic factors, might lead to…Without ruling out all other such factors itis unfair to conclude that…

第五段: 结尾段。作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在做出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。我们通过一篇文章作为实例来介绍Argument的论证步骤和论证方法以及文章结构。

In the final analysis, the letter’s author fails to adequately support therecommendation that…To bolster the argument, the arguer must provide detaileddemographic/statistical evidence showing that…The author must also provideevidence–perhaps by way of a reliable survey—that…

以上就是写assignment essay的一些常见步骤,后面我们会大家找一些assignment的topic 和写作素材。


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