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如何写说明文-expository essay

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expository essay如何写

expository essay-中文称之为说明文。说明essay是散文形式中常见的一种文体形式,旨在提出事实观点,描述和解释,告诉读者你想要表达什么。本文将为您介绍expository essay是如何形成的,以及如何写expository essay。包括常见的expository essay的几种方案。

An essay is a literary prose form which aims to present facts or ideas in a straightforward and direct method. It was recognized at a much later stage as an independent form of prose. Many a times, it is the unrestricted, free flowing thought-process of the writer presented on the paper. This discussion would deal specifically with how to write an expository essay rather how to write a good expository essay. Firstly, an expository writing is one which is used to explain, describe and inform the reader what a writer wants to convey. Writing an expository essay can be an easy job if the writer follows a few essential steps.

A good expository essay sample is one which generally follows the general five paragraph scheme. Although it may or may not have typically five paragraphs but should follow the scheme:

An introductory paragraph with a clear, concise thesis. This paragraph introduces the topic to the reader and might also brief up a bit about the background of the central theme. This paragraph creates the ground for presentation of the upcoming ideas.

The next part is the three paragraphs of body of the essay. This part presents evidences and justifies them.

The last part is the concluding paragraph. It sums up the whole topic and presents an overview, which allows the readers to draw an inference.

There can be longer essays than this as there might be topics requiring a longer discussion but the basic structure remains the same. There can be alterations in the number of paragraphs used in the body of the essay but the introduction and conclusion is a must.

Writing an expository essay might be easily dealt with if the following steps are followed. It is necessary for the writer to have a complete knowledge of the topic taken up. Reading earlier assignments carefully and choosing a topic is most important for writing of an expository essay. The topic selected should be carefully selected and should be interesting, keeping in mind the targeted readers. The topic should be significant enough.

One should start writing by a brief statement about the topic chosen. This is known as the topic sentence which aims to brief up the reader what the essay deals with. It should be presented in an interesting way so as to attract the attention of the reader.

While presenting an opinion or speaking about a particular issue care should be taken that the topic should be original and presented in a personal and unique method. It should avoid both cliched language and a cliched way of presentation.

Proper research should be carried out on the topic undertaken. It should be presented with the aid of proper examples. The writer must deal with the topic which he or she is in complete understanding of. The writer should also know how to relate the examples with the central theme. Each major example should be presented in an individual paragraph. Individual paragraph should also have a topic sentence to give an idea what the paragraph deals with.

Complete the essay by presenting a conclusion. The conclusion should relate to the central them and allow the reader to form his/her opinion about the topic undertaken. In a nutshell the conclusion should sum up the central theme but not in a repetitive manner.


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