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Scholarship Essay怎么写?猛戳这里!

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67-1409221200143E       奖学金,对留学生来说奖学金是必须要去争取的,因为国外大部分大学的奖学金金额并不低,拿到了奖学金不仅可以减轻自己的经济负担,而且还可以为以后毕业实习找工作的时候增加筹码。在国外,奖学金也是要写申请文书的,也就是要向学校提交Scholarship Essay,然后学校再对你的学习成绩和各方面素质进行考核,最后再决定是否给你奖学金。所以,一篇优秀的的Scholarship Essay对奖学金的申请也有着至关重要的作用。那么如何才能写出一篇优秀的Scholarship Essay呢?下面美伦教育就为大家整理一些Scholarship Essay写作技巧,希望能够帮助大家。

Scholarship essays vary dramatically in subject. However, most of them require a recounting of personal experience. These tips will be more helpful for writing personal essays, like for the National Merit Scholarship, than for writing academic essays.

The most important aspect of your scholarship essay is the subject matter. You should expect to devote about 1-2 weeks simply to brainstorming ideas. To begin brainstorming subject ideas consider the following points. From brainstorming, you may find a subject you had not considered at first.

What are your major accomplishments, and why do you consider them accomplishments? Do not limit yourself to accomplishments you have been formally recognized for since the most interesting essays often are based on accomplishments that may have been trite at the time but become crucial when placed in the context of your life. This is especially true if the scholarship committee receives a list of your credentials anyway.

Does any attribute, quality, or skill distinguish you from everyone else? How did you develop this attribute?

Consider your favorite books, movies, works of art, etc. Have these influenced your life in a meaningful way? Why are they your favorites?

What was the most difficult time in your life, and why? How did your perspective on life change as a result of the difficulty?

Have you ever struggled mightily for something and succeeded? What made you successful?

Have you ever struggled mightily for something and failed? How did you respond?

Of everything in the world, what would you most like to be doing right now? Where would you most like to be? Who, of everyone living and dead, would you most like to be with? These questions should help you realize what you love most.

Have you experienced a moment of epiphany, as if your eyes were opened to something you were previously blind to?

What is your strongest, most unwavering personality trait? Do you maintain strong beliefs or adhere to a philosophy? How would your friends characterize you? What would they write about if they were writing your scholarship essay for you?

What have you done outside of the classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by universities? Of these, which means the most to you?

What are your most important extracurricular or community activities? What made you join these activities? What made you continue to contribute to them?

What are your dreams of the future? When you look back on your life in thirty years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What people, things, and accomplishments do you need? How does this particular scholarship fit into your plans for the future?

It is often hard for applicants to come up with the genius essay topic for scholarship essay. Here are some examples of the popular scholarship essay topics to give you an idea:

The Person Who Influenced My Views

The Goals I Will Achieve in 10 Years

What I Do Best, My Biggest Success

My Dreams

My Inspiration

The Destiny in My Hands

The Doors I Have Opened

The Tea

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—— zhouzhengmao

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