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  • Essay写作中的4 DOS AND 4 DON’TS你必须明白
    很多留学生的essay写作分数都不是很高,这让很多同学感到很苦恼。不知道原因到底出现在哪里,格式要求、reference都是按照老师的要求去做的,成绩出来后却不尽人意。今天Meeloun小编就给同学们支招!同学们要知道在essay写作中有4件事必须完成,还有4件事不能去做!具体的就跟小编一起来看看吧! 留学生essay写作中你必须要做的4件事: Answer the question—read the question carefully and do exactly what it asks you to do. You can then make a plan to help you order your ideas before you start to write. 我们留学生首先要...
  • 留学生们就该这样去完成英文论文写作
    Meeloun小编发现很多留学生对于自己的英文论文写作都不太自信,写完论文要么对语法不满意,要么对格式不满意,也有对自己的表达方式不满意的。今天小编就给大家分享一篇学霸的essay写作步骤,附带短语翻译和写作思路哦! 通过研究男性和女性学者合著论文来进一步说明性别歧视的存在。   A-long-way-from-home economics Economists are increasingly aware of this. David Laibson, the chair of Harvard’s economics faculty, has brought in Mahzarin Banaji, a leading researcher on implicit bias, to brief search and pro...
  • Essay范文–Advantages and disadvantages of specialization
    International trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity flows are the two primary methods in which international business occurs and are amongst the most substantial drivers of present time globalisation. With consecutive rounds of multilateral dialogues at the World Trade Organisation (WTO), barriers to trade globally, have been done away with significantly. Likewise, the relaxation and liberalisation of developed countries’ capital markets during the 1980s has brought about a b...
  • 2017-12-17
    已有3845围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    Child and family interaction: the setting The scene shows Eaton Kerr, a toddler, in a happy and playful family photo shoot with other members of his family. These family members are his mother, Kerry; his father, Jonathan; and his ...
  • 2017-12-05
    已有5914围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    每个申请季,University of California即UC系统永远是大热门,几乎人手一个申请账号。Meeloun毕竟也做过留学文书写作,自认为还是有资格教大家如何写好Essay文书。当然了,同学们除了决定申请哪些分校、什么专业,别忘了在DDL之前,还要完成UC系统的...
  • 2017-11-26
    已有2856围观 0条评论 供稿者:
  • 2017-11-18
    已有3958围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    同学们可能已经会了快速查找文献,那么阅读呢?Meeloun小编再给同学们分享一些关于快速阅读文献的方法,毕竟很多同学的阅读能力很差,相信看完对于自己的阅读能力也会有所提升! ①.顺读(详读) 若刚开始学习阅读文献,国内知名学术机构梅斯医学的马...
  • 2017-11-12
    已有3388围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    第一篇文章的重点是伦理道德心理,作者Thomas Teo。研究者假设美国和加拿大在其目前的形式的道德准则不具备解决像认识论暴力挑战。假设二的代码不受意识形态的变化,特别是关于反恐战争,最后研究者假设心理码盲或口齿不清的关于话题的财务利益冲突...
  • 2017-11-05
    已有3209围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    HIRAL GOPIYANI Apple has been in the USA and world commercial center since 1975 and today it is one of the pioneers in innovation showcase in the USA. Some even say, ” Apple is for the most part Steven Jobs life as opposed to...
  • 2017-10-28
    已有3068围观 0条评论 供稿者:
    Meeloun小编想到留学生们在写作的时候经常要找各种资料,不知道渠道的话很是麻烦。今天meeloun小编就给同学们分享几个资料查询网站。快一起来看看! Ingenta Ingenta网站是Ingenta公司于1998年建成的学术信息平台。在几年的发展中,该公司先后兼并...
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